The Book Of The Words Albert Pike
You want deeper knowledge and light Here is one for you. Pike explains word histories, gives his insights and passes on information on Hebrew, Samaritan, Phoenician and English Masonic words. At the end is a nice cross reference page of the letters of the alphabet (from all these), Hebrew numbers and their symbols and much, much more. Good basic edition of book, the hardback will give you even more.
2. THE TL-. The ii.-. The . iii- The is . Thes rtTEaALfirS.Divine WISDOMM Divine WISDOM Manifested ; Divine MIGET.Divine SovEEEIGI, .TEEWornm 3. I must profess I know enough to holdmy tongue, but not enough to speak ; and the no less real thanmiraculous fruits I have found in my diligent inquiry into thesearcana, lead me on to such degrees of admiration, they commandsilence, and force me to hold my tongue. FrTA--RAsExoLE : Proleg.Theat r. Chem . Britannic . 6.In the book called Arfephii L3erSecretes, which appears to have been written in the 12th century,this is said \"Is not this an art full of secrets : and believestthou, 0 fool ! that we plainly teach this Secret of Secrets, takingour words according to their literal interpretation .It 4.EXTRACTS FROM THE PREFACE OF A BOOR ENTTTLED \" Lose-LITEP-%\"PCBLLSEED AT Lo--,-Do-,,; n; 1722.[The body of the work containsnot one word in regard to Free Jfasonry, or that can be W iemd toallude to it, for which reason the preface is the more curious.]Tothe Grand Master, Masters, Wardens and Brethren of the Most Ancientand Most Honourable Fraternity of the Free Masons of Great Britainand Ireland, Brother Eugenius Philalethes Sendeth Greeting . Men,Brethren, I address myself to you after this Manner, because it isthe true Language of the Brotherhood, and which the primitiveChristian Brethren, as well as those who were from the Beginning,made use of, as we learn from holy Scriptures, and an uninterruptedTradition. I present you with the following Sheets, as belongingmore properly to you than any else . By what I here say, those ofyou who are not far illuminated, who stand in the outward Place,and are not worthy to look behind the Vei], may find no 13 5. 14THEBOOS OF THE WORDSdisagreeable or unprofitable Entertainment : andthose who are so happy as to have greater Light, will discoverunder these Shadows somewhat truly great and noble, and worthy theserious Attention of a Genius the most elevated and sublime : TheSpiritual Celestial Cube, the only true, solid and immoveable Basisand Foundation of all Knowledge, Peace and Happiness. I therefore,my dearest Brethren, greet you most heartily, and am glad of thisOpportunity to rejoice with you, inasmuch as it hath pleased theAlmighty, One, Eternal, Unalterable God, to send out his Light, andhis _Truth, and his vivifying Spirit, whereby the Brotherhoodbegins to revive again in this our Isle, and Princes seek to be ofthis sacred Society, which has been from the Beginning, and alwaysshall be ; the Gates of Hell shall never prevail against it, but itshall continue while the Sun and Moon endureth, and till thegeneral Consummation of all Things ; for since God, my dearestBrethren, is of us, who can be against us This being so, I shallspeak to you a few Words on this important Subject ; and perhaps Iam the first that ever spoke to you after this Manner. I shall, asbriefly as I can, present you with a true and faithful Mirror, aMirror which will not, which cannot flatter (Flattery be eternallybanish'd the Brotherhood), wherein yon may see, or rather beremembered, what you are and then you need not be told very muchbow you ought to act. And in this I shall use that Liberty andFreedom, which is our essential Difference, richly distinguishes usfrom all others, and is indeed the very Soul and Spirit of theBrotherhood. The Style I shall make use of is most catholick,primitive 6. THEBoosOF THE WORDS.15and Christian ; it is what isextracted from the sacred Scriptures. Remember that you are theSalt of the Earth, the Light of the World, and the Fire of theIIniyerse . Ye are living Stones, built up a spiritual House, whobelieve and rely on the chief Lapis Angularis, which the .refractory and disobedient Builders disallowed, ye are called fromDarkness to Light, you are a chosen Generation, a royal Priesthood. This makes you, mr dear Brethren, fit Companions for the greatestKings ; and no wonder, since the King of Kings bath condescended tomake you so to himself, compared to whom the mightiest and mosthaughty Princes of the Earth are but as Worms, and that not so muchas we are all Sons of the same one Eternal Father, by whom allThings were made ; but inasmuch as we do the Will of his and ourFather which is in Heaven. You see now your high Dignity ; you seewhat you are ; act accordingly, and show yourselves (what . youare) Mme, and walk worthy the high Profession to which Tou arecalled . But while I say this, do not imagine I set up for a Rabbi,Master, or Instructor, who am one of the least of you, a mereNovice, a Catechumen, and know nothing . However, do not despise myMite, which I throw into your Treasury, since 'tis all I haveothers may do more in Quantity, but not in Proportion . Rememberthen what the great End we all aim at is : Is it not to be happyhere and hereafter For they both depend on each other. The Seedsof that eternal Peace and Tranquility and everlasting Repose mustbe sown in this Life ; and he that would glorify and enjoy theSovereign Good then, must learn to do it now, and fromcontemplating the Creature gradually ascend to adore the Creator .7. 16THE BOOS OF THE WORDS .But alas ! my Brethren, what are we andour little Globe below, to that stupendous Celestial Masonry above! where the Almighty Architect has stretched out the Heavens as aCurtain, which he has richly embroidered with Stars, and with hisimmortal Compasses, as from a Punctum, circumscribed the mighty Au.: is himself the Centre of all Things, yet knows no Circumference who lets down his golden Balance, and weighs all Things accordingto eternal incorruptible Justice, and where the Actions of the bestof Men are frequently found too light ; who has created infiniteWorlds, for what we know, above us ; and those cast Luminarieswithin our Fen, to which he has given Laws, and allotted them theirpeculiar influences, Intelligences and Demons. If to do all this,and believe only in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heavenand Earth, and of all Things visible and invisible, the most grand,essential, the prime, eternal, everlasting, fundamental Article ofthe most holy, catholick, universal, and Christian Faith (of whichwe are) makes one an Atheist ; such, my dearest Brethren, are weall, and we glory in it Let the Infidel and Pagan World say whatthey will, we shall have the Suffrage of all Christians, underwhatever other Denomination distinguished, who cannot be soinconsistent with themselves, as to take umbrage at those whobelieve the prime Article of their (that is our) holy Faith . 0thou Eternal One ! thou Immortal unitt ! thou IncomprehensibleMonas ! Never let us swerve from these everlasting Truths. Send outthy Light and thy Truth, that they may lead and bring us to thyholy Hill and thy Tabernacle . We are imprisoned, who shall deliverus from the Body of this Death We are exiled Children from ourCountry, when shall we return 8. THE BOOK OF THE WORDS .17Herethou hast placed us as Novices and Probationers ; when shall we beprofessed amongst those blessed Denizens of the CelestialJerusalem, not built with Hands, and be reinstated in our Innocence Here we wander in the dark gloomy Vale of Tears and the Shadow ofDeath, where we remember nothing, and who dares say What dost thou Here halt thou placed us for Reasons best Down to thy AlmightyJustice, and thy inscrutable Counsels, into which the curious Prieris struck blind by the radiant Majesty of thy Glories, thouinaccessible Light ! thou eternal Power ! Wisdom ! Love ! . It isthe same thing in relation to the Religion we profess, which is thebest that ever 'was, or will, or can be ; and whoever lives up toit can never perish eternally, for it is the Law of Nature, whichis the Law of God, for God is Nature . It is to love God above .all Things, and our Neighbour as ourself ; this is the true,primitive, catholick, and universal Religion, agreed to be so inall Times and Ages, and confirmed by our Lord and Master JesusChrist, who tells us, that on these hang all the Law and theProphets . Avoid all Companions whose ridiculing of Religion isthought witty, and .more especially when the wretched discourse isturned upon the adorable Majesty of the most Holy Trinity, which isan eternal Doctrine believed by Wise Men in all Ages. The ancientPhilosophers, who had no revealed Religion, no other Light but theLight of Nature, taught and believed this most sacred Truth, as Icould show in a proper place as clear as the Sun . The Platonics,for example, to instance no more, acknowledge in the Godhead threePersons ; the first they called the Father of the Universe, or ofall Things ; the second the Son and first Mind : that is, accordingto Plot 9. ISTHE BOOS OF THE WORDS .tinuc and Ph z7o, the DivineIntellect, flowing from God the Father, as Light from Light, or theWord that is spoken from the Speaker : Hence he was called theAoyoc, Verbum, or Ford, Light of Light, and the Splendour of Godthe Father ; and the third they called the Spirit or Anima Jfundi,which Dove-like sate brooding on the Face of the Waters, and whichis celestial, amatorial, Denial Heat, hatcht the Universe . Andnow, my Brethren, you of the higher Class, permit me a few Words,since you are but few ; and these few Fords I shall speak to you inRiddles, because to you it is given to know those Mysteries whichare hidden from the Unworthy. Have you not seen then, my dearestBrethren, that stupendous Bath, filled with most limpid Water, thanwhich no Pure can be parer, of such admirable 'Mechanism that makeseven the greatest Philosopher gaze with Wonder and Astonishment,and is the Subject of the eternal Contemplation of the wisest MenIts Form is a Quadrate, sublimely placed on siz others, blazing allwith celestial Jewels, each angularly supported with four Lions.Here repose our mighty Ring and Queen (I speak foolishly, I am notworthy to be of you), the King shilling in his glorious Apparel oftransparent, incorruptible Gold, beset with living Sapphires ; heis fair and ruddy, and feeds amongst the Lillies ; his Eyes, twoCarbancles the most brilliant, darting prolifick, never-dying Fires: and his large-flowing Hair, blacker than the deepest Black, orPlumage of the long-lived Crow ; his Royal Consort vested in Tissueof immortal Silver, watered with Emeralds, Pearls, and Coral . 0mystical Union ! 0 admirable Commerce Cast now your Eyes to theBasis of this celestial Structure, and you will discover justbefore it a large Bason of Porphrrian 10. THE BOOS OF THE WORDS.19Marble, receiring from the Mouth of a Lion's Head, to which twoBodies displayed on each side of it are conjoined, a greenishFountain of liquid Jasper. Ponder this well, and consider . Hauntno more the Woods and Forests ; (I speak as a Fool) haunt no morethe fleet Hart ; let the flying Eagle fly uuobserved ; busyyourselves no longer with the dancing Ideot, swollen Toads, and hisown Tail-devouring Dragon ; leave these . as Elements to yourTyrone'. The object of your Wishes and Desires (some of von mayperhaps have obtained it, I speak as a Fool) is that admirablething which bath a Substance neither too firs, nor altogetherearthy, nor simply watery ; neither a Quality . the most acute, ormost obtuse, but of a middle 'Nature, and light to the Touch, andin some manner soft, at least not hard ; not having Asperity, buteven in some sort sweet to the Taste, odorous to the Smell,grateful to the Sight, agreeable and delectable to the Hearing, andpleasant to the Thought ; in short, that One only Thing, besideswhich there is no other, and yet everrwbere possible to be found,the blessed and most sacred Subject of the Square of wise Men, thatisI had almost blabbed it out, and been sacrilegiously perjured. Ishall therefore speak of it with a Circumlocution yet more dark andobscure, that none but the Sons of Science, and those who areilluminated with the Sublime Mysteries and profound Secrets ofMasonry may understand It is then, -chat brings you, my dearestBrethren, to the pellucid, diaphanous Palace of the truedisinterested Lovers of Wisdom, that transparent Pyramid of pureSalt, more sparkling and radiant than the finest orient Ruby, inthe Centre . of which reposes inaccessable Light epitomized, thatincorruptible celestial Fire, blazing like burn- 11. 20THE BOOS OFTHE WORDSing Crystal, and brighter than the Sun in his fullMeridian Glories, which is that immortal, eternal, never-dyingPrFoprs, the King of Gemms, whence proceeds every thing that isgreat, and Rise, and happy. These Things are deeply hidden fromcommon View, and covered with Pavilions of thickest Darkness, thatwhat is Sacred may not be given to Dogs, or your Pearls cast beforeSwine, lest they trample them under Feet, and turn again and rentyou. ErGzrs PEm u rBEs, Jun.,F. R. S. March 1st, 172L 12. CAUTIOhasce paginas legentibus observanda . trmological research, and thecomparison of words in difffrent. languages, appear, in the historyof the human intellect, not unlike the shipping of the ancientsbetween Scylla and Charybdis. \"Nothing short of the resolution ofUlysses, who caused himself to be fastened to the mast, and hisears to be stopped, can prevent our being led away by thesyren-song of similarity of sounds, and a delusive combination ofimages. nv one who yields to this seduction is lost, and willassuredly .absurdity sooner or later, strand his vessal on therocks of . 13. WORDS . 14. THEWORDS.GEN Elt A T . Fay-Mao MestreMason de franche piers, iv d st antre Mason iii d . et lourservant: i d ob : teguler iii d et son garceon i d ob . A MasterFree Mason four pence, and other Masons three pence, and theirservants one penny half-penny ; Tilers three pence, and theirknaves one penny half-penny. Statutum & Se rientibus : 23 Edw.III SL L LD.1350-L Issint qe chescan mageon at carpenter de quelcondition q'il soit arce par son mestre a qi it serf de fairechescun overaigne qe a lui appent affairs on de fraunehe pare ou degrosse pere. So that every mason and carpenter, of what conditionsoever he be, shall be compelled by his master to whom he serreth,to do every work that to him pertaineth to do, either of Free stoneor of rough stone . Slat. 34 Fdta LI Chap. 9, 1360-L .That noperson or persons shall, at any time after the first day of Aprilnext coming, interrupt, deny, let or disturb any Free Mason, BoughMason, Carpenter, Bricklayer, bc. Slat 2 & 3 Edta PL Chap . 15,4.D.1548In a petition from the House of Commons, presented A.D. toregulate wages, which was granted, and 1445, 23 Henry 23n 15. TIM800=or723 WORMconverted into a law, it is prayed that with respectto Masons, et-, \"Tat from the feat of Ester unto Mighel messe, yewages of any fro mason or =sister carpenter e=cede not by the day1111 d., withe mete and drynke, and without mete and drynke, d. ob.A Maister Tyler or Sclatter, rough Maister and meen Carpenter, andother artificiers eonc ernynge bildynge, by the day, iii d. ob. ;\"and from Michaelmas to Easter, the Master Masons and Carpenters oneball penny less by the day . In 1446, from Easter to Michaelmas, aFree Mason, with diet, by the day, 4 d. ; without, 51 d. ; a Mastertiler, rough Mason, Slater, by the day, with diet, 3 d ., withoutdiet, 41 d. By 6 Henry Yom, c. 3, it is ordered that \" a FreeMason, Mayster Carpenter, rough Mason, bryklayer, 31ayster Tiler,plommer, glasyer, career and ioyner, from Ester to Mighelmas totake by the day vi d., withoute mete, and with mete iiii .d.\" Inthe regulations for the gages, for artificiers, made May 28, 1610,by the justices of Okeham, in the County of Rutland, A free Masonwhich draws his plotunk and set accordingly haying charge overothers,\" was allowed before Ifichaelmas, 4-c.: and \" a rough Mason,which can take charge of others,\" so much. And by like regulationsfor Warwickshire, 36 Charles 11, the allowances were, \"A FreeMason, 6 d.,\" &a ; \"a Master brick-mason, 6 d.,\" &c. \" Wm.Horwood, Freemason,\" contracted to build Fotheringay Chapel in1436.-MSS EvUen . \"John Wood, Masons,\" 13th Henry VI, 1439, madecontract with the Abbot of St . Edmondsbury for the repairs andrestoration of the great bell tower, \"in all manner of thingsthat-longe to Free-Masonry.\" 16. TZZ DOGS OF TSZ WORMl f27Am= ;plur., Amanayim ; Opifez ; Architectas ; also fides .-Gzszws.Artist ; also faithful, constant, . deioted.-LEL A lissom-'Ewx4x,Eng.-8eb Lez =gm fides, fidelis ; opifex, artifez, fsber.--Grs . .j Whence, perhaps, the Loyalists, i. e the adherents of the .Stuarts, associated, called themselves `Masons,' the wordmeanin& for them, 'Loyal;':Imxsx, O'.)1BEZOSa proper name,rendered in the English Bible, Ahima& Numb. ziii. 22 ; Josh.xv. 14 ; Jud . L 10. It is in construction translated by Gesenius,frater doni, from %1161 _, a Brother ; and i n a part, portion,gift Also, 13n maxi, meant constituted, appointed . -I\"_ Fraiea-Doni, a Brother of the Gift or giving, meant in Hebrew ' a Brothergiven ;' or, as what is given to one is accepted by him to whom itis given, 'an avorptrd Brother.' Also, 'one constituted orappointed a Brother.' ,1i1, .Bezo* ; a Prince. Laurence Dermott,author of the Ahiman Bezan, began his schism about the year 1745,in which year the Pretender, as the legitimate King of England andScotland was called, made an attempt to recover the throne .Dermott was an Irishman, and, it is altogether probtble, anadherent in secret of the Stuarts . The English Masonry wasHanoverian, Hanoverian noblemen managed it, the Prince of Walesbeing a member, and the third Grand Master and sev- 17. 28THE BOOKOF THE WORDSeral subsequent ones, Ministers of George the FirstHence, probably, the rebellion of Dermott against the Grand Lodgeof England ; and his charge that it had removed the old landmarks,and his claim that he and his adherents were the Ancient Masons .Dermott himself introduced into England . about 1750, the RoyalArch, modified from that of Enoch, -with other French degrees ; andthe title of his book, which be never eiplained, meant, we believe,`A Brother, constituted or Accepted Prince,' to show to those whocould understand, under cover of a title of a 'book, that he was aPrince-Mason [one loyal to the Prince], as those called themselvesin France who had the high degrees, and that be was a Jacobite-anadherent of the family of Stuart . \"I -/ C z nz* -kA-wlakayn.The name of the right-hand column before the Portico of the Templeof Solomon ; present tense, in Hiphhl, of 1 ;:, 6in or caren ;present plural in Hithp :ihel, yacunnu, means ,formed or fashioned,in the womb. And means `dipose= prepare,,frz, establish.' Geseniusgires the primary meaning of f_, as erectus stet it and J_ aserect, upright, sound, wide, probus . The secondary JAcHn 18. THEBOOM OF THE WORDS .meaning, he says, is existed, was ;29P ;:,kunan,set up, erect, build, strengthen, sustain, found, create, form, :the last in Deut. ==ii jJJi 'tp he produced, begat, ez seproduzit . 6, [ ,ivy ] Mee, and1fashioned thee. In N iphhal,erected hirnsdf, stood up erect or,firm, isfounded, prepared, ready. Niph. pass. Pihe'l 1 Hiph. : Erected limsdf, rose up, stood frrm,upright, slif ready, iutr epida pedestal, abase, a foundation : andYesfid, Fundamentum, Foundation, Stability, one of the Sephiroth,is, in Adam-Eadmon, represented by the rnembrum virile. It is notdifficult to understand what is symbolized by this word. The columnon the right represented the rigid niembrum Lipzle, object ofworship among all the ancient nations, which the servant of Abrahamgrasped when he swore to do his Lord's bidding ; the Phallus, incondition to create, prepared, ready, erect and upright . Thissymbol appears in all the sacred monuments of antiquity, and waseverywhere the symbol of the generative or creative power of God .Both the words of the Book Barasith, that are in our English Bibletranslated `create' and `make,' mean in reality (and are also usedin that sense), to produce from one's self, to beget by copulationand imprea ation . Phallic columns also were common in every partof the orient, and obeliscs, standing stones, the stocks of trees,the round towers in Ireland, and even the cross, wererepresentations of the virile member . That the columns of theTemple should represent this organ, and one of them be designatedbT a name signifring erection, vigor, potency, was not at allsingular. Even the palm-tree and the pine were used to representthe same. On this subject, the curious student may consult 19.30TEE BOOR OF THE WORDS .Payne Knight's Worship of Priapus, Inman'sAncient Faiths, Dulaure, El t re abregae de diferens Cues, andother works w on ancient religions . \"In an age,\" 3Ir. Knight says,\"when no prejudices of artificial decency existed, what more justand natural image could they find, by which to express their ideaof the beneficent power of the Great Creator, than that organ whichendowed them with the power of procreation, and made thempartakers, not only of the felicity of the Deity, but of His greatcharacteristic attribute-that of multiplying His own image,communicating His blessings and extending them to generations yetunborn \" Men who were taught by their religious guides or sacredbooks to believe that they were created in the image of the Deity,and that He had the form of a man, could not reasonably be ashamedof an organ which he possessed, and to which they mysticallyimputed the generation of all things . It became the sacred symbolof the Divine Generative Power, by inevitable consequence . Thebook of Genesis (i . e. of the Begetting), tells us that the firstman and woman were naked in Paradise, and felt no shame ; and thedoctrine of the resurrection of the body necessarily implies thepossession and exposure without shame of the parts of generation inthe next life. The Hebrew Kabalah deals largely with the ideas ofprocreation, and production thereby, between the variouspersonifications of the Deity . In the Hymns of the Rig-Veda, Lightand Heat, Indra and Vishnu are called generators ; and more thanone word, for example, Sukra, meaning light, brightness, means alsothe virile seed. So, also, in the later Veda, 20. THE BOOK OF THEWORDS .31desirc first existed or arose, and brooded on matter, andcrea-tion was thus effected . The same notion is found in the BookBarasith. Philo, in his first kosmogony, giving the theology of thePhoenicians, assumes that the beginning of the A11, was a dark andstormy atmosphere, or a breath of murky air, and thick unfathomableblack chaos (the Tolat Bohu, or ` without form and void' of thebook of Genesis] ; but that these had no beginning, and for ages,no limits . \" Then,\" he says [Chap. ii. 2], \" the Spirit wasinflamed with lose for the eternal beginnings, and a penetrationtook place ; and this intermingling was called Desire . \" Thisdesire is the beginning of the creation of things-but itself had noconsciousness of the creation of the ALL\" In the Book of Enoch,chap . in speaking of the fallen angels it is said, `The name ofthe first is ITekun : he it was who seduced all the sons of theHoly Angels ; and causing them to descend on earth, led astray theoffspring of men' . Evidently a personification of Lust, and thesame as Yakain ; and fitly represented by a phallic column .Boat.-;jl : aaz : Strong, strength, source of strength ; a goat ; ashe-goat.-Lm Strong, vehement, strength, fortitude, refuge,splendour, glory, praise --GFSEsrus . Fiery, strong, strong ofappetite, greedy, vigour, strength, impu.-N_ dence Ewmw:.9 21.32ZTHEBoosOF THE WORDS.Gesenius renders 'V :, agile, alacer,agility, alacrity. `Strong,' applied to And Lee gives as themeaning of anger, desire, love.The ] prefixed means with or in, orgives the word the force of the Latin gerund-roborando,strengthening,-Lrv, -` in, tchi7c, when, strengthening.' It isworthy of further note that the 7th Sephirah or Emanation of theDeity, in the Eabalah, is foundation, establishment, stability, andthat, the ten Sephiroth being assigned to the different parts ofthe body of Adam Eadmon, this, Tesud, is the generative organ . Theact of generation or creation by the Deity never ceases. This maygive one meaning of the name Boaz. But its primary meaning is,strong, firm, agile, rigorous, stout, alle, all which arecharacteristics of the Phallus, as a symbol of the Divinegenerative potency, represented by upright stones, obeliscs andcolumns . The pomegranate and lotus, being also emblems of femalefruitfulness, were appropriate and significant ornaments of thephallic columns . The dimensions of the columns were the same .Each was IS cubits in height, and 12 in circumference, with acapital, chapiter or head, of the height of five cubits. Thechapiters [in catarat, from 11, to surround or encircle, Hebrewand a diadem or crown], were egg-shaped or conical, if theyresembled those which served as models, haying chain- orchequer-work at the bottom, \" and pomegranates around their lowerpart, with net-work reaching as high as the line of greatestprotuberance, - and above that the flowers or seedvessels of thelotus . ' And if the pillars were Phallic, the dimen- 22. THEBoosOFT IE WORDS.33sions given in Rings are correct and in the orcUnaryproportions. The ancients, to represent, by a physical object, theregenerating force of the Sun in Spring, and the action of thisforce on all the beings of 'Nature, adopted the image ofmasculinity, which the Greeks called 0411.10Z, Phallos. Phalos was-white, splendid. Phaos, Light : Plwlas, also, a cone, the apex ofa helmet Phalcros, white, spuming, foaming : P1 alun'), makesplendid. By the very name, it was connected with the Sun. Thisimage was not then indecent On the contrary, it -was venerated, asone of the most sacred objects of worship . It would be difficultto imagine a symbol more simple, more energetic, and moreexpressive of the thing signified . Accordingly, it -was adoptedand its -worship flourished everywhere ; and waxen images of thevirilia were presented to the church at Isernia in Naples as lateas 1780. They were publicly sold there for that purpose . PayneKnight, in his Discourse on the TT'orship of Priapus, published in1786, and privately reprinted in 1865, gives several of theseex-voti . ' Dulaure [Histoire abregee de dierens Cultes, ii . 20 etseq.] thinks that the Phallus was not originally united to a humanbody, but that as in the Spring of the year all animals are movedand stirred by the sexual impulse, and the Bull -was, 2,400 yearsB.C., the Constellation into which the San entered at the vernalequinox, and the sign of the Goat equally indicated the return ofSpring, these signs were deemed to partake of the action of theregenerating Sun, the generative Potency that renewed the life ' ofnature was ascribed to them, also, and they were worshipped, andtheir genital parts were worshipped 3 23. 34THE BOOK OF TEEWORDS&also, \" as expressing in a special and most energeticmanner to the mind and the eyes, the regenerative potency, sourceof the fecundity attributed to the Sun in the Spring, and to thoseanimals that were emblems of him . This, he thinks, accounts 'forthe disproportionate size of the virilia afterwards attached toposts and pillars and to the figures of men,-sometimes, Herodotussays, almost as large as all the rest of the body . He says thatthe women carried about such images, causing the member to move, bya string, and adds, \" But why do these figures have the genitalmember of so disproportionate a size 9 and why do the women movethat part only A sacred reason is given for it ; but I am not atliberty to make it known .\" It is more probable that the genitalia,with the principal organ pleno vigore, became a symbol of theDivine generative potency, at least 4,000 years before Christ, andbefore the ancestors of the Egyptians emigrated from the originalhome of the Aryan race ; and that the Bull was assigned as a nameand figure to the constellation Taurus, on account of the size ofhis organ and his vigor in copulation, and because the wealth ofthese ancient herdsmen consisted in the multiplication of cattle,which are continually spoken of as wealth, in the Vedas. The humanform was always assigned to the Deity, and creation has always beenrepresented as effected by genera, ti on. It must have been thehuman Phallus that first became a sacred symbol ; and it does notappear that the organs of an animal, of the Bull, for example, wereever represented as attached to the human figure. These animals,the Bull, Goat, and Ram, were secondary symbols of the Divinegenerative potency ; and the stones, columns and other objects ofthe 24. THE BOOK OF THE WORDS .35phallic worship, all representedthe human and not the animal organs. Diodorus Siculus informs usthat the Goat being prone to sexual coition, that member of hisbody which was the instrument of generation was deemed worthy ofadoration ; and he adds, that not only the Egyptians, but manyother peoples worshipped the sign of the masculine sex, andemployed it as a sacred object in the ceremonies of the mysteries,because it is from it that the generation of animals proceeds.Whatever this symbol was called, Phallus, Priapus, 3futinus,Tutanus, Fascinum, Linga, dc, and how different soeyer the worshipof it among different nations, the reasons for the worship alwaysreferred to the fecundating action of the Sun of the Spring, and ofLight The Gnostics represented their Sun-God Iaw in the sameattitude, with the same attributes. Among the monuments of Egypt,described by the Egsp tiaa Commission, is seen an Osiris ofgigantic stature, holding his Phallus -with his right hand, theejaculations from the member producing animals and men . And in themythologies of different nations, the impotence of the Sun,-whereat all nature IanD ishes, in the Autumn, was allegorized byfatal accidents happening to the organs of generation of theSun-Gods. When Osiris was cut into pieces by Typhon, that part ofhis body was flung into the File: Atys, the Sun-God of Phrygia,mutilated himself, or was mutilated by others . Adonis, Sun-God ofPhoenicia, was wounded in those organs by a wild boar. Odin, theScandinavian Sun-God, and 4arnna, the 3rran 25. 86THE BOOK OF THEWORDS.Deity, are mutilated in the same manner, and their virility.restored The Phalli or phallic columns, in the vestibule of theTemple of the San at Hierapolis, served as models for theconstruction of such pillars elsewhere . Even in the time ofVitruvius, round towers, whose top was shaped like an egg, werecalled phala'. And the pillars of the Temple at Jerusalem wereeridentlT phallic. The signs of the sexes were, with the Hindus,the emblems of the active and passive principles of nature . MarcusKeane (Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland, 303), 26. THE BOOR OFTHE WORDS .37agrees -with O'Brien (Bound Towers of Ireland), thatthe Irish Round Towers (lists of which have been made to the numberof 120, and the remains of about 66 are traceable), were \"PhallicTemples, erected by the Tuath-de-Danaans and their predecessors,the Cushite inhabitants of Ireland .\" Of the two Towers figured onthe preceding page, a is that at Clondalkin, in Ireland, copiedfrom the work of O'Brien, and b is that of Devenish in Ireland, asgiven by Keane . Similar Towers of unknown antiquity, with the sameconical tops, are found in Persia (one at the ruins of Jorjan, nearAsterabad), and in India, one of the latter of which is describedby Lord S alentia, who says of such buildings, \" It is singularthat there is no tradition concerning them, nor are they held inany respect by the Hindus of this country .\" An engraving of theRound Tower at Ardmore is given by O'Brien at page 70, and that ofClondalkin, copied by me, will be found at page 100 of his work .These \" Round Towers,\" he sans, \" were symbols of the fructifyingpotency of the Sun . But what was the form,\" he asks, \"under whichthis Deity was recognized `Look on this picture, and on that!' TheEastern votaries, suiting the action to the idea, and that theirvivid imagination might be still more enlivened by the very form ofthe Temple in which they addressed their cows, actually constructedits architecture after the model of the membrum virile, which,obscenity apart, is the divinely formed and indispensable modiumselected by God Himself for human propagation and sexualprolificacr. \"This was the Phallus of which we read in Lucian, asexisting in Syria, -of such extraordinary height, and which, notless than the Egyptian Pyramids, has heretofore puzzled anti- 27.38THE BOOR OF THE WORDS.quaries,-little dreaming that it was thecounterpart of our Bound Towers, and that both were the prototypesof the two pillars which Hiram wrought before the Temple of Solomon.\" I do not mean that the columns were shaped like the phallus ;but that they represented it, and were symbols of the generativepower of the Deity . The Indian Lingo itself, as will be seenbelow, while representing the genital organ was not in its shape.The case wasthe same -with all phallic columns and towers, with theTau cross, and other generative, as well as productive symbols . .The origin of the Linga worship affords a striking instance of thetruth of the saying that the symbols of the wise always become theidols of the vulgar. In the ancient Aryan 28. THE BOOS OF THE WORDS.39sacrifices, in the days of the Vedic Bards, the fire wasprocured by the rapid rotation of an upright stick, set upon a flatpiece of wood, and made to revolve swiftly b y means of a cord .The fire, Agni, was poetically said to be `generated' thus, andthis use of the word that had that signification caused the uprightstick to be compared to the male organ, and the flat piece of woodon the ground, to the female organ, of generation : and at last,the two became the T>; ncra. Layard says that it is impossibleto comprehend, by the help of the descriptions alone, the plan orappearance of the Temple of Solomon : and that from thedescriptions only it is impossible to reproduce the columns -withany certainty, is evident from the immense quantity of nonsensethat has been written about them. To what original genius we owethe brilliant idea of surmounting one of them with a celestial andthe other with a terrestrial globe, we do not know . The Temple was60 cubits, or somewhat over 90 feet, long ; 20, or somewhat over 30feet, broad ; and 30, or somewhat over 45 feet, high. The Porch orPropykeurn in front was 20 cubits broad and 10 deep. The columnswere, it is stated in I Sings, vii., 18 cubits high and 12 incircumference, with capitals 5 cubits high : i. e., the wholeheight, capitals included, was 23 cubits, or about 30 feet. Theywere of bronze . According to the translation, there were in eachcapital seven nets of chequer-work and wreaths of chain-work .Above these, it seems, were two rows of pomegranates, and abovethese `lily-work.' In 2 Chron. iii., the columns are said to havebeen 35 cubits high, with capitals 5 cubits, -with chains on top,and wreaths 29. 40THE BOOB OF TEE WORDScovering the pommels of thetwo capitals, and 400 pomegranates on the wreaths, covering (orabove) the pommels . As the two books of Chronicles are ofconsiderably later date than those of Kings, the probability isthat the description in Kings is the more correct one. The lotus,or water-lily, the Nelumbo of Linn eus, grows in the water, andamongst its broad leaves puts forth a flower, in the centre of-which is formed the seed-vessel, shaped like a bell or invertedcone, and punctuated on top with little cavities, in which theseeds, resembling small round acorns, and exceedingly hard, grow.The orifices of these cells are too small to permit the seeds todrop out when ripe, and they shoot forth into new plants, in theplaces where they were formed, the bulb of the vessel serving as amatrix to nourish them, until they acquire such a degree of magnitude as to burst it open and release themselves, after whichthey take root wherever they sink. This plant is found in thefresh-wafer ponds in Arkansas, where it is called the monocco nut,a name the derivation -whereof I do not know. It represented,anciently, the productive power of -Nature, and forms the upperpart of the base of the Linga . Brahma sits upon it ; and thefigure of Isis, on the Isiac Tablet, holds the stem of this plant,surmounted by the seed-vessel, in one hand, and the cross,representing the male organ of generation, in the other. On thesame Tablet is the representation of an Egyptian Temple, thecolumns of which are exactly like the plant which Isis holds in herhand, except that the -stem is made larger. Columns and Capitals ofthe same kind exist in great numbers among the ruins of Thebes andon the island of Phila-_ 30. T3E BOOR OF THE WORDS .1 4The Capitalsof EgTptian columns were imitations of this seed vessel, surroundedby other ornaments and smaller vessels of the same kind ; all ofwhich were symbolic ; the pomegranate being a symbol of theproductive power of -Nature, and a representation of the femaleorgan of generation. Below is a representation of the seed vessel,leaf and flower of the lotus. In India, the flower was especiallythe symbol of the productive Power : in Egypt, the seed-vessel 31.2 4THE BOOS OF THE WORDS.On this and the nest page we give twoEgyptian Capitals, at Gartasse and Calapshe, on the left bank ofthe Nile, copied from Gau's Antiquites de la 217ubie. On both theseCapitals are seen the `lily-work,' or imitations of the seed-vesselof the lotus, with leaves and fruit ofthe grape, and that -which iscalled in .our translation suet-work and chain-work. It is quiteimpossible that there can be any certainty in regard to the Hebrewwords thus translated . are Sabaki,n rnaasah sabakah These -words[1 Sings ; gedalinc maah sarasaroth lakataroth asar al-raashaamudin . ah 32. THE BOOK OF THE WORDS .43Sabakim, canc i,gratings, bars, balustrade, raising ; , , maasah, made, work ; . .. . saber ah, net ; dathri, trellis ; . . . . gedalim, festoons ;maasah, made, work ; . . . . sarasaroth, r-Irf`,''I .1luicatenula, little chain ; . . . . lakataroth, for the capitals ;. . . asar, which ; . . . awl-raas, on top of ; . . . . haamudim,the 33. TEl BoosOF TEE WORDS.It is equally evident that nothingdefinite or certain can be ascertained as to the nwasah susan,lily-work, and the ramanim, pomegranates But the Egyptian capitalsthat we have copied, give a very clear and certain idea of thegeneral shape of the capitals of the columns of the Temple, \"oflily-work four cubits .\" This9ir..Fffr#,f t t rtspecification showsthat the lotus seed-vessels composed fourfifths of the chapiter orcapital, the other fifth being, probably, the reticulated work andfestoons with the pomegranates above them. On this page we give thecolumns and entablature of the entrance to an Egyptian Temple, andon the nest, an- 34. THZ BOOK OF TEE WORDS.45other front of a likeTemple, from the same great work. It will be seen that theproportion between the shaft of the columns and the height of thecapital, is just about the sameas that given in 1_Eings as to thecolumns of the Temple,1S to 5. In the second copy the height anddiameter of the shafts are as 13 to 6, which makes the proportionof height 35. 46TZE BOOS OF TEE WORDS .and circumference of theshaft, as 28 to 16, or as 181 to 12 ; that of the columns of theTemple being 18 to 12 . The phallic character of the columns of theTemple is shown by the seed-vessels of the lotus, and by thePomegranates, which, surmounting the upright shaft of that heightand circumference, unite the symbols of the generative andproductive organs and powers. ,=;7, damxrd, column, and also a heapor pile, is from stood, steiit, sulstifit, essfitit, surrerit,stood up, arose, erected itself. Eliphaz Lcvi (_Uphonse-LouisConstant) says that of the two columns, Takarn and Baaz, one waswhite and the other Uack. I find no proof of that anywhere . eitherdo I think that one represented the generative, and the other theproductive power of the Deity . They were alike in all respects, ofthe same shape and height, and similarly and liy-wrork ornamented ;with pomegranates, The lilies were the lotus, whose connection withphallic emblems is known to all scholars ; and the pomegranate, asymbol of the female organ and of fruitfulness, was an equallyappropriate ornament . symbolized the state of erection of the Thuswhile rnembrum. virile, when prepared for begetting or creating, inthe symbolized the potency, rigor, and fierce and even womb, crueldesire of the same member. It was the sexual vigor and power, theinordinate lust of the goat, that gate that animal daz or Oaz. thename1] 'C7 9 36. THE BOOS OF THE WORDS .47CABLE-TOWkhabel, a ropeor corda cable attached to an an-chor.-Pros. ssiii. 34. ;;1 (tu orto), affixed, meant his. The same word khabel meant binding, and apledge : to bind as with a pledge.-Ezek . xviii . 12-16 ; zxxiii 15; Job, xxii_ 6. khald-to, his pledge.-Ezek. x-.-iii. 7. \" If withinthe length of my cable-tow,\" therefore, means, if within theextent, meaning and spirit of my obligation.SaIBBOLZ.\" 1\")h= and hesaid Judges, iii . 6. Say now It is uncertain what was thedifference in sound between `; and r,. If one was Sh, and the otherS, the words were more properly Slabalat and Sabalat . (Sin, (.,1The Syrians used the C alone, and the Arabs the Syriac Samech beingYl) : and the Chaldeans generally substituted C for C . The wordmeans an ear of corn, a branch of an olive-tree . -Job, xxiv. 34 ;Zech. ir. 12, and a stream of water.-Is. xirii. 12 ; Ps. lxix.16.We do not know when this word was adopted, and no one has everbeen able to find any especial significance in it as a But I amentirely satisfied that there was Masonic word. 37. 43THEBoosOF THE'WORDSoriginally a concealed significance in every word used in aMasonic degree . Some secret meaning and application was coveredand concealed b'r each of them . We fail now to see the applicationto anything in Free-Masonry of the account given br the Hebrewchronicler of the use made of this w ord. by which to detect themen of a particular Tribe, who pronounced it differently fromothers . I think that the allusion was to the differentpronunciation of words by Englishmen and Scotchmen, and that it wasadopted either as a Stuart pass-word or as a Hanoverian one, onaccount of that difference. Most probably it was adopted inEngland, when adherents of the House of Hanover, at the death ofQueen -knne, took possession of Masonrr, changed its formulas, andused it as a means of political association ; and that by theEphraimites they represented the Highlanders who composed theprincipal portion , of the adherents of the Prince styled by theHanoverians the Pretender. Queen Anne died on the 1st of August,1714, and the High= land clans rose in favor of James, in 1715 .The insurrection eras easily suppressed ; but another wasanticipated and prepared for, until it occurred in 174 and endedwith the battle of Culloden. Lodges of Free-Masons, whose Masters,at least, bound themselves to obey the laws of the SupremeLegislature, i. e. the acts of Parliament excluding the family ofStuart and all Catholics from the throne, and not to engage inplots and conspiracies against the State, became numerous,especially in London, in a few Tears after what is called thereriral of FreeMasonrT, in 1117 ; and somewhat before 1745 LawrenceDermott appeared on the scene, and charged the English Lodges withhaying changed the Landmarks It is supposed that he . 38. THE BOOROF THE WORDS-19meant by this that they had made Bo= the word of thefirst decree, and Jadcin that of the second : -but that was a smallmatter. It is more likely that the real charge and cause of theschism was that they had made Masonry a Hanoverian, instead of aJacobite association, as it had at first been. Hence he called hisadherents Ancient 'Masons, and the others, the Moderns ,. andadopted degrees worked by the Jacobites in France, and among themthe Roval Arch, to which be transferred the Master's Word ; thusbaring for the highest degree of his association, one not known tothe Hanoverian Masons, and having reference to the rebuilding ofthe Temple, i . e. to the restoration of the Stuarts. In some way,becond a doubt, the -word ShiZLoleth and its two pronunciationsindicated the partisan political character of the English and theScottish Free-Masonry . Perhaps by the river Jordan, at a fordwhereof the Word was demanded, was meant the Tweed, which in partseparates En-land from Scotland . The two kingdoms were united ;but the Highlanders, like the Ephraimites, were all rebellious, adiscontented, turbulent Tribe .L.,ir1. means a fertile andinhabited land : orbis habitatus ; orbis terra rum . It often meansunhersus terrarumTrBALcn :`% t rbisEanah, means a cane, reed, etc .Also, erected, erectum statiuit, founded, created . And 1'r, Kin,kayen, means a 'spear,lance.0,0 4ZP Z9' h'0 39. 50THE BOOS OF THEWOWS.Tubal B.avin was the son of Lamakh, and a worker in brass andiron ; but what the real significance of the name is, as used inthis degree, I am not able to discover . Hu LLY, KING OF TIMEHn ualAEff The name rendered Hiram or Huram is the same for both the Ringand Artificer. In Rings it is written, except in three Ehirm. InChronicles, it is written, except instances, Khir-m Malek Tsur, 2Sam . once, and T. 11. In 2 Chron . iv. 11, we find both But in 1Kings, T. 10 Eng., 24 Heb. ; 13 Eng ., 32 Heb ., and .Shin-ont :and, in vii. 40, we find the name written in full, the last ofthese verses, also written C\")%i i, as if to show that there wassome mrsterv involved in the use or disuse of the ;, The two Booksof Rings are older than those of Chronicles, and therefore Iihir-omis the oldest form of the name, which was one common to the Hebrewsand Phoenicians or Tsarai . It belonged alike to the Kina of Tsurand to one of his subjects, said in the Book Malakimto have beenthe son of a widow of the Tribe of Neptelai, and in the Book DebraiHaimim ::, of a woman of the Tribe of Dan ; at any rate, Hebrew onthe mother's side, and Tsiirian on the father's : and a grandson ofBenjamin had the same name . which is the original root, and fromwhich came has the signification of burning, as, in and \")\"IM, aswell as Latin, areo and firo, and as in German, liar and hyr meanfire. It also means free, free-born and noble ; from the whiteness,purity and splc,tdor cf the man on whom is no spot or stain.ferbuit, incaluit : in Ethiopic, (f) L L In Arabic,, -r -1 40. THEBOOS OF THE WORDS51(rstuaLif. And from the root 1, we have ,-,n,consume, dry up, heat, and the name (incorrectly= HOreb), of thewestern summit of Mount Sinai :,-,'),-,, to be warm or burn, withanger beat, wrath : T),;, to roast : L n -) ; ,, windows, latticeKhiros or Eburos, the Sun,, ttc ., while t: - ; meant work : :+nartificer, or workman, in brass or stone, a sculptor, a craftsman,and also an enchanter . E1,zir, white, to become white, to makewhite . Also, a bole, aperture, window or passage, through whichthe white light issues ; through which, in the l abalah, theCreative Light shines or is manifested, clear, shining,illustrious, noble . Light is, in Hebrew \")IN', Aur, identical withH' r or the Egyptian God whose name the Greeks misrepresented byHorns. See 4 Bunsen, Eyypt's Place, &c. 20`) Bryant (Analysis,i. 100), says, \" Thus far is manifest, that ;, Euros sinified theSun. '0 pt ov'v hypo ; irn d E,pov rs fxEtY(J de CtTO T8 \"Mi'e 3 FrFan1 qm6r . ;ralcrar ovopa Fc Ki ov y' ZP xaaeiv Hipca ; rcv\"Hale . --Plufarch in Aitnrerze, 1012. Ctesias likewise informs usthat the npme of Cvrus had this signifcation, xtri Tt!FTat ro ovopaatzOU aTO TOY '11,1zov .-In Persicis.\" Plutarch's statement is, \"For the Persians call the Sun Suros ; \" and that of Ctesias, `andit is said that his name was taken from that of the Sun.' Hesrchiusexplains Kepi ;, '0 '.4dwrl ; ; and the Sun-God Apollo was adoredat Kurra or Ei rra in Phocis . Guignaut, on Creuzer's Symkdik (Bookii. p. 32S), says that Ormuzd was K7,Jrschid, the Sun ; and at p.3S0, that Iihoresrh (Cyrus) was the sacred King of the Sun . At p.352, that 3lith- 41. 52THE BOOK OF TEE WORDSras, as first of theIzeds, as genius of the Sun (bhorschid), is the dispenser of Light.Dr. Haug gives the Zend name of the Sun, as Oturs7,ed ; Spiegel, asQarse't . And W elsford (J tlhridates Zlinor, 132) sass, \" Plutarchinforms us that the name of Cyrus was derived from that of the Sun,and Khur is still the literal word for that luminary, which, with aGreek termination, becomes Cyrus\" The Greek word is $uros ; and thename really was a compound of Kh&r or K& 7r, theSun,-probable Khoresc1 . esh, in Hebrew, is fire, light, lightning,splendor. In Sanskrit, ush is to burn, to shine ; in Persian, esch.The same Hebrew word meant is ; in Zend, a, as:Ati ; in Perte, sian`,,,,,f .. E'sch is the same in Pehlri as in Persian . The sacredbooks of the Persians were -written in Zend and Pehlvi,-theBundehesch in the latter . The name of this book is said byGuignaut to mean, that which was from the beginning. KAor-eschmeant Light of the Sun, or manifestation of that which the Sun is .A Magian Book of the Disciples of Zoroaster or Zerclusht[Zarathustra] was called .Shurdeh [KAordaA-Avesta], given by theSun ; from KAur, Sun, and deh, giver . The name of the PersianDeity whom we call Ormuzd, was Ahura= .71azda. Dunlap (SpiritHistory of )fan, 46) says : \"The Assyrians and Persians calledtheir chief God, Asura, -4 Aura (Bar), As and 3.ssarac.\" But he isnot to be depended upon . His derivations are too often incorrect.As, ash, ush, vas is, in Sanskrit, `to burn, blaze, shine ;' andAs-ura, Zend Ah-ura, is `luminary.' Eur, he says, was the name ofthe San in Crete (of which I have no proof) ; and the Greek wordKurios, Lord, means the same, the Lord of Hosts, i e ., of theStarry Azmies . In Egypt, 42. THE BOOK OF THE 1t OfDS53Her-ra wasthe son of Osiris ; and Hermes was but another personification ofthe Sun. in 1 Iiings, vii. 1-, is perhaps The account given ofnoteworthy . It is, in Hebrew, Ben-c,n, the Alexandrians 0-w, andthe Gieeks, by interpretation, Hermes .\" d iro . ztfwp Taavro ; osFvpE rtjv rwv irpcJrwv Qr0tXEFwv ypa v. 'E;k U rj vEc as 'EpppjvexlrtEa v, he says again. Suidas calls him Theus ; and says that hewas the same as Arez, styled by the Arabians OFVQapr7 s, and soworshipped at Petra .-BRY3.T, Analysis, i. 13. 46. THE BOOK OF THEWORDS.57The resemblance of the name b7tirnm, in the Hebrew, toHermes and Hcr-ra or Horns, and its similarity of meaning, no doubtcaused its adoption, and made the Artificer who bore the name theHero of a legend which reproduces in a different shape the ancientlegends of a God or Hero slain and raised from the dead . TheAdepts of Hermeticisin framed the Master's degree, and incorporatedin it the symbolism and mystical meanings with the words andphrases that concealed them, which had been received by them at thehands of those who were the surviving custodians of the mutilatedantique mysteries . For in the only authentic account that we haveof Khirum, he is not spoken of as an Architect, but only as anArtificer, and worker chiefly in metals . History gives no accountof his death, and it is not true that there are any traditionsconcerning him. In fact there are no Masonic traditioizz . It isnot worth while to write fiction any longer on that line. It isabsurd to suppose that Khirum was selected as the Hero without somegood reason for it . There was no reason to be found for it in hischaracter or history . The whole legend of his death was pureinvention . The reason, therefore, is to be found only in his name.The Phoenicians, like the Hebrews, habitually embodied the names ofthe Gods in the names of individuals . It was especially so as tothe names of Prophets, Priests and Kings . In the name of thePhoenician King were incorporated that of the San, HIcr or b7iir,and tl a Hindu ineffable word ; the whole meaning, as Hermes andHorns vtE, the IPord or Logos, or the Deity as Creator. On theTemple of NTeith or Isis, at Sais in Egypt, was this inscription :\" I am that which has been, is, and will be ; and 47. oSTHE BOOS OFTHE WORDS .no one of mortals has ever lifted my veil : the fruitwhich I hron ht forth became the Sun.\" God is the Cause ; the Word,the Instrument ; and the Matter, the Material, the element ofCreation .-DE WErrz, Bihl. cwynt . 136. TLe Monad is. there first,where the Paternal Monad sabSIStS.-PROCLtS in Eud ,l, i . TheMonad is extended, which generates Two . In the whole world shinesa Triad, over which a Monad rules.-Chaldht-an Oracles, Danrnsriu sin Parmenides. The Egyptians esteemed the Sun to be the Demiourgos.Cory, --_7, from Chmrcmon. The Sun s the emblem of the DivineIntelligence, when it emanates to produce . This Divine .bacon inHermes and bhirum, is the L g s of Plato, the TTisirlom. of Tesus,Son of Sirach, and Philo, the IT oed of St . John, the 11isdwa andPower of God mentioned by St. Paul. It was conceived of in twowars, first, as in the Deity- and nnmanifested ; second, as raringforth .front Him ; to create. This is the language of Philander, inthe Books of Hermes, Pimander bein ; the uurevealed DivineIntelligence, and conversing with Thoth, the Divine Wisdommanifested . \"I am Pimander, the Thought of the Dirine Potency. . .. From this noise went out a noire : it seemed to me the Voice ofthe Light, and The TT f;rd proceeded oat of this 1 oive of theLight. . . . I am the germ of the Thought, the resplendent Word,the Son of God . . . . What thus sees and perceives in you is TheWord of the frrstcr, is the Thought, which is God tJie Father .TheT are not at all separated, and their union is Life . TheIntelligence is God, having the double fecundit'r of the two sexes,which is the Life and the Light of the Intelligence .\" 48. THE LOOKOF THE WORDS.59Compare this with what John says (Epi.ct . i. I) :\"For the Life was manifested . . . . that Eternal Life (the Word)which was With the Father, and was manifested to us .\" On a seal inDr. Abbott's Egyptian Museum, in -New York, is a representation ofHar or Horus (the Divine Potency), with the Lion's head, theansated Cross in his right hand, a sceptre in his left, and theSun's disk, surrounded by the serpent traeus, on his head_Underneath is the word Ammonia, to the creative God, or the Logos.The Hieroglyphic of Har or Horus was his symbol, the hawk.In thefuneral ritual (Gates o% Elysiurn, Ttrenty ;frrst Gerte), Horussays, \"I am Khem-Horus, the Defender of his father . . . . . + Myfather Osiris has allowed me to overthrow all his enemies. I havecome as the Sun, justified, a blessed person in the house of myfather, Tam, Lord of Aunu (Heliopolis), the 0, iris in the SouthernHeaven . . . . I make the Plo nii come forth to my words . . . . Ihave taken the Crown .\" Horus Arnris (Her Hur), Bunsen says, wasrepresented as a young God, with sceptre and life ; with theflagellum and royal sceptre, sitting on a lotus flower that risesout of the water ; with the hawk-head ; as the hawk and as theserpent God. These and similar representations are found in theoldest as well as the latest Temples . He pours life and power overthe King His constellation was Orion . fs eyes were called the 49.60 Sun and Mooii.THE BOOK OF THE WORDS .In Cophis he is representedby the side ofT-rphon, holding his genitalia. He is a new form ofOsiris, as the God of the natural Sun and of physical life. Hisbirth typified the Vernal Equinox. There is no Eavptian derivationof Her, Horns, so satisfactory as the Pheenician and Hebrew Aur,Aur or Or, Light . -Br_s zx, Eyyjet's 1:Wacc, i r. 357. Horns isthe revealed, revealing mediating God of the Seven Great Gods ofthe Osiris Circle. Therefore be is frequently represented as theEighth, conducting the barque of the Gods, with the Seven GreatGods .--Brxszx, Egrtpt's ploc t, jr. 319. We find the following inGoulianoff's Ar clt.: ologie Egyptien ne, iii. 315 et s%q . \" \"Wewill nest cite what Plutarch states on the subject of Horns, whosespecial symbol was the hank : ivrr de \"t2po=, etc. Horos is themovement and temperature of the ambient atmosphere, which preservesand nourishes all things .' And 1lian sans, z i. 10, speaking ofHorns, ' W7iom the Egyptians regard as the chief author of theproduction of grain and of all the fruitfulness of the -rear .\"'\"The Hawk, therefore, symbolizes Horns, in so - far as thismythical personage was, among others, the emblem of the temperatureof the Air, which preserves and nourishes all beings, and thespecial author of the fertility and abundance of Egypt .\" . . .Horapollo, i. 6, tells us that the Hawk symbolized the idea God, onaccount of his fecundity ; and also the Air and Sun ; allegoriesalso stated by Eusebius, who, in his Erangelirnl Preparation, Bookii. cit. ti., says, `They consecrate the Hawk to the Sun, using itas a symbol of the Spirit as well as of which results from thegraphic Light. The legend T. 50. THE BOOS OF THE WORDS .61elementsof the Hawk, agrees with these data all the more, because thismystic reading, as we bare before seen, designates the Spirit whichgoverns the world here below, and the Sun, under the equivalentepithets of .onion, .4inon-Rn, Anion_ Ghnoup1LS, Anion-R'aeph,&c ., the last of which is found on the monuments, under thecontracted form .menl , which includes the name of K,tej.d,,Spirit, and Anion, The Sun. \" Pan, Mendes, Priapus, Amon,Amon-Cnouphis, Fneph and Horns are all equally and alike symbolicpersonifications of the Sun, the Great Demiourgos of the Egyptians\"Thus we read in the 4th Test of the Pantheon The Demiourgos, theEternal Light, the First Being who brought to light the force ofthe hidden causes, is called ; Amon-P.a or Amon-Re (Amore-Sun) andthis First Creator, the Demiourgic Spirit, proceeding to thegeneration of beings, is called Amon, and more particularly Mendes. This Plate (1, 2, and 5,) represents the generative Demiourgos,characterized in a special manner, and one which leaves no room foruncertainty .' \"Stephen of Byzantium (De U , liu.s), at the words17,rvo ; zolt=, speaks in these terms of the statue of the God whowas adored at Panopolis : `There, he says, is a great image of theGod, habems reeet rum erect um . He holds in his right hand ascourge, to stimulate the \"Soon . It is said that it is an image ofPan.' This is an enact and detailed description of the Generator.mon, figured in our plate (3 a).\" \" We here see, then, the imageof the Great Deity, whom the Greeks confounded with their Pan,because the Egyptians had chosen for his emblem a goat, an animalwhich, according to Hvr-Apollo, was the symbol of generation andfecundity .\" 51. 62THE BOOK OF THE WORDS .\"But the reading Kn3,deduced from the image of the Hawk, also characterizes in thissymbol, the allegorical properties of Kneph, the Spirit thatgoverns the lower world, of Amon Kneph or Amon Chnouphis, the sameas A mon-Ra or the Demiourgic Sun, whom Champollion identifies withAnion the Generator, the God Pan or Priapus, personified in theGoat lleudes . of the Egyptians . W e add to this that the image ofa Hawk serves equally for the reading of the God Horns, who, again,was only the Sun, or the Spirit that lights the darkness,personified in the obscene image of Priapus . This is what is saidby Suidas on the subject : `The image of Priapus, whom theEgyptians call Horus, they make in the form of a man holding withhis left hand rd aidoio (veretrwa swim bdc)\"ttum) . For theyconsider that God to be the Sun'-.\" Bunsen says that neither OsirisiHes-iril, Isis nor Hor or Horns, is an E,7,ptian name . Heascribes them - all to the Phcenicians or their ancestors, who, hethinks introduced them into Egypt. Osiris, lie thinks, is the sameas .-tsar, a Phoenician or Ya-r Syrian name of the Sun ; and Har,Her or H :- r, is or h',- r, the Light . Plutarch tDe Is. et Os.2), says that Honis is of a fair or white colour, as Tupho was ofa red, and Osiris of a -Uack complexion. These are also the coloursof the Hindu Trimurtti Figure 135, PL ixviii, Guignaut's Creuzer,represents a young Pharaoh, standing between Osiris and Hermes, whopour the consecrated water over his head . Guignaut says(Eryticyitiort 1es Planchcs, 33), \"The hawk-headed God is Thoth,the Great God, the Supreme Lord, as his legend, corrected, says, .. yaurcnh'rErap'ot', 52. THE BOOK OF THE WORDS.63He is HermesTrismegistos, ordinarily painted in blue .* The Isis-headed God isThi:,ut or Thouti . or Thoth, Lord of Me Dirinne Scril.)tures. Heis Hermes doubly great, painted in red, and oftener in green .\" Thewinged globe was the Egyptian symbol of Thoth Trismegistos, or thefirst Thoth (Hermes), and of the world created in Time, by theDivine out-speaking or Utterance, that animates itI am of opinion,a learned Masonic scholar sacs, that the Adopted Masons, existingin 1691, held Rosicrucian opinions, and that the Free and AcceptedMasons of 1717 were a Reformed Branch of the Adopted Masons .Whence the Kburomitic )tasonrr is styled Blue. and in the oldLectures we read . \" Hare you seen your )faster, to.dar !\" \"Ihare.\" \"How was be clothed!\" \" In bane snd gold.\" The Blue is theSkr : the Gold, the Sun light, in which Mercury, in Greek ' Epanalways is . 53. 64THE BOOK OF ME WORDS.There is no doubt that thetrue signification of many of the symbols of Blue Masonry is to belooked for in the Books of the Hermetic Philosophers, where,unfortunately, they are as profoundly concealed as in Masonryitself The picture on the preceding page is taken from a workprinted at Francfurt, in 1613, entitled, \"Azotls, side ArrelirnOccvlta , PI t7osopllorrm, Jlateriam Pcimam, et dcranlatru: Own Lapdem PL :7osophorrm flits Hernretis, solide, perspicue et di7ucideesplicanles.\" This design is found on page 51, and precedes andbelongs to \" JIateria Pr ima,\" by F. Bccsilius T'identinus, whichfollows it,and which we here append, translated .M3TERLA PRIMA.I ama Dragon, poisonous, everywhere present, and to be bought for thesmallest price, that on which I rest and which rests above me, lethim who shall rightly investigate discover in myself: My Water andFire destroy and compound, from my body thou mavest extract thegreen and red lion ; although thou shalt not know me accuratelythou destroyest five senses with my fire. Premature poison issuesfrom my nostrils, which to very many causes death . Therefore,separate artificially the Dense from the Subtile, unless thou artdelighted with extreme poverty. The Forces of Males, as well as ofFemales, and verily those of the Heavens and the Earth, do I bestowupon thee . Zndauntedly and with a lofty spirit niy mysteries areto be managed, provided that thou desirest I should vanquish theForce of Fire, in which affair very many have squandered theirestate and labour. I am the Egg of 'Nature, known to the 54. THEBOOK OF TEE 'WORDS .65Sages only, who, pious and modest, engenderfrom me the Microcosm prepared verily for me by God the Best andGreatest, although to very few (though very many in vain desire it)given ; that of my Treasury they may benefit the poor, and notfasten their affections on perishable gold . By the Philosophers Iam called by the name of Mercury, my husband is the (philosophical)gold, the old Dragon everywhere on the earth present I am, Fatherand Mother, young and a*ed, most strong and feeble, death andrestoration, visible and invisible, hard, soft, descending upon theEarth, and ascending to Heaven, the Highest and the Lowest, thelightest and heaviest, in me the order of nature is often inverted,in -colour, number, weight and measure containing the naturalLight, obscure and lucid, issuing forth from Heaven and Earth,known and wholly none istent, all colours glow in me, and allmetals through the rays of the Sun. The Solar Carbuncle, the mostNoble Purified Earth, by which thou shalt be able to transmutecopper, iron, alloy of silver and lead, or lead, into gold .Nodoubt all of this has a meaning, but the whole of it is not knownto me . That of the word reUis, on the breast of the double-headedhuman figure, I have not found. No doubt the SymW is the key to thewhole meaning . It will be seen that the human figure has one body,with two heads, of a man on the right and a woman on the left . The. Man's hand holds the Compasses, and the woman's the Square Thesesymbols, therefore, have in Masonry a Hermetic origin . TheCompasses evidently represent the Generative Potency or CreativeEnergy of the Deity ; and the Square, the Produc3 55. 66 tiff aTHEBOOK OF THE WOP.DSCapacity. The figure is Brahm Maya, Osiris-Isis .The Square lays off and describes straight lines and right angles,which belongs to the Earth, (supposed b y the ancients to be alevel),-to the Earth, which, impregnated by the Sun, produces ; andthe Compasses describe circles, which belong to the Heavens, fromwhich the fructifying influences descend. On the side of the YaleHead, to its right, is the Sun, always the symbol of the GenerativeEnergy and on the left ; of the Female Head, the Moon,_ always thesymbol of the Productive Capacity and the Female Nature . . In themiddle, over the two heads, is the sign of Mercury (Hermes Trismeastos or Thoth), \" the Master of the Lodge,\" i. e. of the universe,of which the Lodge is a symbol . Below the Sun and -loon are Marsand Jupiter, and below these, 'Venus and Saturn. On the wingedGlobe, under the Fire-breathing Dragon, are an Equilateral Triangleand a Square, the former on the latter, with the figures 4-3,indicating the number of sides of each . \"\"'hat these figures mean,as composing 7, is taught in the 32d Degree . The Book Pbnander orPezrnandcr treats of the nature of things and the creation of theWorld. It is not really the production of Hermes, but of a muchlater date ; but it is difficult to distinguish what is ancient init from that which is of more recent origin. In the Male-FemaleDeity, who alone is All, and incessantly gives birth to the alwaysnew productions contained in its bosom, we find really an Egi-ptianDivinity . In the first chapter, Pimander styles himself tile TTordof fl c Lord, ,1n1 o r lir+prnv, and says that the Mord has beenengen. dered from the Father* and God, from the Fire and the Spirit; and in chapter iiii., Mercury forbids the revelation of the doc-56. THE BOOS OF THE WOP .DS.67trine of Regeneration . It wasprobably written by an Egyptian Gnostic, a disciple of Valentinusand Basilides.-Biz, : Ecole Juice d'3lezandrie . Ecrmec, who wasalmost the Christ of the Gnostics, was known under two differentforms, the Celestial and the Terrestrial Hermes . The former whoalone was one of the Twelve Great Gods, the second being one of theTen of the Osiris Order, is distinguished by the epithet ThriceGreat (Trismegistcs), and a particular symbol (He is hawk-headed.)He is the Superior Intelligence, emanated from the SupremeIntelligence . He is the son of Amiin-Cnuphis, and the First of theSuperHeavenly Gods . He has his father's symbols (the Hawk andWinged Globe), in common with him, and is his manifestation . ThisGod was the object of so eat- a -veneration, that his name was notpronounced, but be was revered in silence . This .name was Tet,Thot, Thoth, or ThCirth The first Hermes, the Intelligence of God,had written upon the mysteries of Divine Science, in the Sacredcharacters, books that remained unknown to the men who lived afterthe deluge . Touched with compassion for a race living without law,the Creator, wishing to teach it that it had emanated from Hisbosom, and to instruct it in the war that would bring it back toHim, sent to it, upon this high mission, Osiris and Isis,accompanied by Thoth, incarnation, or earthly repetition of theFirst Hermes. Thoth taught men, with the arts that embellishexistence, the knowledge and religious ceremonies that can leadthem back to the Heavens, and deposited this knowledge in acollection of forty-two Books, which the Ea ptian Priests study, inwhole or in part, according to their rank.-M. rrEa, Eistoire duG)ios-ticisme . 57. 8 6THE BOOK OF TEE WORDS.Iamblichus callsHermes `The God who presides over language,' saying, \" and thePower who presides over the true science concerning the Gods, isone and the same in the whole of things. Hence our ancestorsdedicated the inventions of their wisdom to the Deity, inscribingall their own writings with the name of Hermes .\" If,\" he sacs,\"you should propound any philosophic inquire, we shall discuss itfor you, according to the ancient pillars of Hermes, which Platoand Pvthagoras ]new before, and from thence constituted theirphilosophy . \"For the Books which are circulated under the name ofHermes contain Hermaic opinions, though they frequently employ thelanguage of the philosophers ; for they were translated from theEgyptian tongue, by men who were not unskilled in philosophy .-Onthe Mysteries.\" Pythagoras, be says, passed twenty-two Tears inEgypt and learned all the wisdom of the Priests, and was initiatedin all the Mysteries of the Gods. Taken prisoner by the soldiers ofCambyses, he was carried to Babylon, and there studied with theMagi. He called Hermes `the Wisest of all,' and `him who gavearrangement to the human speech, and was the inventor of words.'Hermes or Thoth was the Great God, Lord of Sessennu, Lord of DivineFords, resident in Heshar. He speaks in the Hermetic Books orRitual of the Dead, and reveals the will of the Gods and themysterious nature of Divine things, to man. His doctrine that allproceeded from Unity, was adopted by Pythagoras, who was sometimessaid to have been his son ; and he taught that the Gods were notonly in Heaven, but everywhere, and therefore could easilycommunicate themselves to 58. THE Boob OF THE 'WORDS69theirworshippers, and instruct them info their essence and worship. Thissublime Communication (alluded to, as will be -seen, by many of ourwords) which passed from Hermes to the . ., E-ptian Priests, andfrom thm to Greece, is the foundation of the secrecy of religiousworship, and its hidden sig*ni8cation . In all the representationsof TLoth, the God of Sessennn iAshmunain) `the City of the Eighth,'he is always represented, in conjunction with\" the Seven Gods, asthe one echo r eteals 1,imTLoth (the ' rrord') i. the unity, whichhas Lecorae the Assistant, the Rerealer .-Br'xszx, i r . 33 .setfSo the Phoenicians had the Seven Cabiri, and an Eighth, Esmun.And Tet, Gwv. or Hermes, was also the Serpent God, the serpentbeing the symbol of Wisdom . T T signifies, in Egyptian, to speak,consequently speech, which is equivalent to I-ligos, the Ward ,;and Thoth is this same Revealing God of the Spirit. In Phoenicianit meant Serpent ; but this was a sTml.bolic meaning, for thesymbol of the Serpent, as the searching Spirit acting from within .pervades the whole of Asia . In Egyptian, the word was written.hieroglyphically, with a ; hand and Serpent-BL-. Ex, ir. 3.57, r.51. On the title-page of ` z th' is a tree on which are the Sun onthe right and the Moon on the left, on the two lower branches ;above them, on two branches, Mars and Jupiter ; above them, on two,Yen-as and Saturn ; and on the summit of the tree, Mercury . Oneither side of the tree stands a Man, giving a sign. One holds outhis hand with all the fingers bent towards the palm, except theforefinger . The other holds his hand up, presenting 'the palm .Each makes the sign with the right hand. 59. 70THE BOOS OF THEWORDS .Another (p. 49) represents Prudentia by a bust with threemale faces. Another (p. 60), a Sin,,, crowned, holding the San inone hand and the moon in the other, and standing on a thorny tree,with two branches, at the ends of which are flowers, one seeming tobe a rose and the other a lily . Ud, in another (p. 661, a womansitting on a fish with an immense mouth, with a crescent over herhead, holds a bow in one hand, and on the other, which is held up,rests the end of an inverted phallus . The principal Symbol is aDelta, having its apex downward, in one upper corner the Sun and inthe other the Moon, and over these the words Aitima, 'Zpiritus. Inthe lower angle, a Cube, with two stars on each side and one below,and above the Cube the word Corpus . On this Triangle is a doublecircle, enclosing the sentence, Tisita Inferioea Terrce,PCrtincaildo liiuenies Occultism Lnpuddin . On these circles is aseven-pointed star, on each ray of which is .the sign of a planet.The ray of Saturn is black . In the centre of the star anequilateral Triangle, apes downward, at the points o . Thistriangle is drawn of which are the characters upon a human face,and two human legs project below the circle . The face does notbelong to these . Above the circle are wings . In another :figure,the Sun is above the Crescent, almost in its lap . ill thesefigures have allusions to the Zarathustrian, Pvtbagorean andHermetic doctrines of the issuance of the all from. tnita-, bymeans of Generation and Manifestation . The Hermetic axiom was 'Omnia ez Uno, O,mtia in L -70, Oninia ad t num, Oinnia per V diiim,set Oirnia in Onniiillus. ' All things,/1'o01 One, in One, to One,' * all through a medium (the Pevealer or Manifestation, Hermes),and all things in all . 60. THE BOOS OF THEwOP.DS.71Gassendus thusexplains the doctrine of the Rosicrucians . When they teach, hesays, that the Divinity is the Light, or the Realization ofCreation, displaced from the Beginning to the End L(2) of the whole-risible or comprehensible frame, the-r mean that the Divine Beingis not possible or existent, acior(ling to Human idea, unless `He'(;;,1 or the `Original Light,' is manifested or uttered forth insome special comprehensible other Light or form. The `Second'reflects the Glory of the First Light, and is that in which theFirst displat-s itself This Second Light, or _4ni;nn llundi, is`Manifestation,' . the \"Cord, or `the Sun as proceeding from theFather .' This Synthesis is the Light, Breath, Life, Aura, or HolySpirit It is the Solar or Golden Aichemical Soul, which is thesustainment and perfection of everything . All lies betweenHermetic rarefaction and condensation,-the Mortal and the Spiritualboth . Thoth or Hermes was the God of Wisdom . With the Hebrews andPhcr- nicians, as we know, Wisdom (Hakemah) was the creativeEmanation of the Deity . Henues was the name of the Deity ; becausethe T ery Got, the Deity unmanife teal, has no name . Brrant(Jlytltokgy, ic. 36) says : The Egyptians acknowledgedtwopersonages under the titles of Hermes and of Thoth . The first wasthe most Ancient of the Gods, and the head of all. The other wassled the Second Hermes ; and likewise for excellence called Tp :ajueytoro ;, Trismegistus . . . . This person is said to have been agreat adept in mysterious knowledge, and an interpreter of the rillof the Gods . He particularly deciphered all that was written inthe sacred language, upon the obelisks in Tern! Seriadic .l, andinstructed 61. i2THEEonsOF THE WORDS.the Egyptians in many usefularts . He -vas a greaf prophet, and on that account was looked uponas a Dirinitr. To him they ascribed the reformation of the Egyptian-rear ; and there were many books either written by Lim orconcerning him, which were preserved by the Egyptians in the mostsacred recesses of their Temples, and held in high esteem .The wordThoth, Jablonski sass, signifies a pillar . His words (O pusc. i.90) are : \"The Egyptians ascribe to this Deity the invention ofletters, and of almost all the other sciences, so that the wordseems to be the name, not of any philosopher, or even of a God, butof Science itself . But inasmuch as the Sciences, formerly, andespecially in Ea -pt, were inscribed on columns, and whatever wasso inscribed on columns was imputed to this Mercury or Thoth as thetrue author, I suspect that Tboyth was really nothing else thanCUOX't, that is, a column, on which memorable things, andespecially-u 62. . THE BOOS OF THE WORMS73discoveries in the moreimportant sciences, were wont to be inscribed.\" Seth, it is said,engraved the knowledge of his father on two columns, one of brick-,and the other of stone, and this column of stone, Josephus says,was still to be seen, in his day, in the Sirirliac land . Wherethat land was, unfortunatelT, be does not inform us. In the worksof Manetho, who lived three hundred Tears before him, the samecolumn is spoken of, as 63. 74TBE BOOS OF TEE WORDS.existing in thesame land : and Manetho declares that he had seen it ; but be saysthat it was engraved by the first Thoth, in the sacred language andin hieroglyphs ; and that after the deluge, the Son of the SecondThoth translated the inscription into the language of the Priestsand wrote it in saeerdntal characters. Buddha is . apparently, avery ancient generic name in the Mrtholo_y of the Hindus. Itsignifies learned, wise, exrell-_nt and Superior Iutelli_enee ; itis even used to express the Sole and Supreme Intelligence, God .Budh, in Sanskrit, means 'to know, to think, understand, perceive.' Buddha, is its ptcple . of the perf. pass., ` known, understood,knowing, a sage .' Ancient monuments found in India decorate Buddhawith all the names given to Vishnu and to Krishna, his supremerepresentative, between whom and himself there are sty ikin_resemblances . He is, above all, called the God of Pity [as. in theHebrew, El-Ehanan], the dispenser of health [Beph-Adon, inPhoenicia], and the Guardian of the human race . As Surra, andrepresented with seven heads, in a llusion . no doubt, to the sevenplanets, Buddha is the Superior Genius of -Science ; asDharma-lama, he is Intellectual Life, as the opposite of physicalLife ; is the Symbol of Truth which is the Life of Souls, of Virtueand of Justice, which maintain it Brahma, Dhariua and Buddha havemany characteristics in commonScience, Justice, Sanctity in theTruth,-these are the three terms to which they correspond . TheEgyptian Hermes or Thoth), has all these characteristics, and is atonce in the Heavens, on the Earth, and in the Infernal Regions .The Hermes or Mercury of the - Greeks and Latins is Son of Mara, asBuddha is.-Gt1Gxarr, Crevzer, ro. i. 1xtrt i. pp. 2S6-291, f+'64. TEEDoor%OF TEE WORDStoAn aureole encircles the bead of Buddha,and that of his Mother, and it would be difficult to distinguishthem, on the Monuments, from Krishna and Devaki . Moreover Buddha.symbol of Lemming and Wisdom, is almost always represented in the -attitude of tcacliing, or in that of meditation ; and most of hisattributes relate to the Sciences, the invention whereof isascribed to him. In the palm of his hand and on his chest lie hasthe Ma ric Square, divided into smaller squares . or the pentagonin which are three triangles, and to him often are assigned V theLin_a, the I oni, the Lotus, and the crescent of the Moon. And itis worthy of note, Creuzer sacs, that in the symbolism of thePythagoricians, Hermes also bears the Square, as .loco; '.17)CL1'o ;, Infallible Reason . Damasci us says t .J cr. inPlufon. Par mcn .l, 'LE, uoti ai ro rErpcrJw1 . . the Square isMercury's . --G t'ia_. toi. i. part i. 293. Buddha, Maya,Brabm,-these are the whole religion of the Brahmans, either in itsgerm, or, by a more natural return than can at first blush bebelieved, in its highest development . These are three symbols,bases of the Secret Doctrine, and presented under innumc cableaspects in the popular myths ; perhaps, even, it would not bedifficult to refer them all to the Lin_a and the Triinurtti, thetwo and mysteries of the common faith . Oum, Br thm :i, Krishna,the ' double Rama, Bu ddiha, Calki or Maidari, to allude to themost prominent forms only, of this single Symbol, is the fruit ofthe junction of the two creative principles, of c i va-Vishnu, aswell as of BralimMaya ; is the Son, par excellence ; is the Demiouros charged -with the development of the primal creation ; is the Tegenerator and the Regenerated ; is the world and man, at once ; isthe Logos or Ford Creatrim, descended and incorporate in matter ;65. 76THE BOOK OF TEE WORDS .is the physical Life and theintellectual Life, in their Union ; is the Spirit, the Breath andthe mystic body of Brahm ; is the Medium or Mediator by whichSalvation is effected ; the Repairer and Destroyer ; that is tosay, in the tree sense of the Brahmanic doctrine, the resolution ofDuality in Unity, the return to God, and, morally speaking, theannihilation of the ME, the absorption of all Form in Being, of alltransitory Existence in the immutable Existence, of the phenomenain the Substance. The name of Buddha is now covered with a thickveil among the Hindus ; of Buddha, identical with Krishna, withDhama-r1ja (Hermes-King), and with Brahma-0m .--GrIG ., rd. .parti. 296, 306. Horus, in the Egyptian Mythology, was 'The Shepherd ofthe Peoples,' born of Osiris and Isis, the two Principles . . Thesenames are all foreign renderings Bunsen, Birch and others give asthe real name of Horns, Her or Bar ; of Osiris, Heshar or Ua.sar ,and of Isis, Hesi or Uaci. Hermes ('p,u7l ) is a Greek name. Thereal name of Thoth, Taaut or Thauth, is given by them as Teti.Horus is also called AR, which they render 'Assistant' It at oncereminds us of A1eih a sar 4hi1 ; ' I am abstract Existence,' or'that which Is .' If, as Bunsen thinks, the names of Osiris andIsis came from Phoenicia to Egypt, it is equally probable that Heror Ear was the Phoenician Ehir or h71%(r, from the Persian, thesame with the Hindu Dharma, and the Greek Herm',-s . Plato saysthat the tnirerse is the Son of Thought, the Father, and Matter,the Mother ; and in Egypt the Divine Intelligence, personified asPimander or Pcemander, calls Himself 'The Thought of the PowerDivine .' Har or Her is the Soul of the World. 66. THE BOOE OF THEWORDS.Manetho relates that Sesostris, on his return through Africa,entered the Sanctuary of the Oracle, saying, \" Tell me, 0 thouStrong in Fire, who before me could subjugate all things, and whoshall, after me\" But the Oracle rebuked him, savin_ \" First, God,then The II -ord ; anti with them, The SpI, it.\" Aped _Valal., lib.i. ch. InOne of the most interesting ruins in the world is thevitrified brick edifice which crowns the summit of B :rs imrtid, amound in the alluvial plain below the ruins of Babylon, and alittle way from the Euphrates . Benjamin of Tudela, in the twelfthcentury, regarded it with reverence as part of the Tower of Babel.Sir Henry Pawlinson, ascertained, by excavations, that thestructure consisted of sis distinct platforms or terraces, each ofwhich teas about 20 feet in height, and 42 feet less horizontallythan the one below it . The whole were so arranged as to constitutean oblique pyramid, the terraces in front being 30 feet in depth,while those behind . were 12 feet, and at the sides 21 feet each .On the sixth story stands the vitrified mass, which was the Sanctumof the Temple . Built into the corners of the stories werecylinders, of - ebuchadnezzar (abu-buduri-tzur) designating thewhole structure ` The Stages of the Seven Spheres of Borsippa.'Each story was dedicated to a Planet, and stained with the colourpeculiarly, attributed to it in the works of the Sab2anAstrologers, and traditionally handed down to us from the Chaldxans. The lowest stage was coloured hack, in honour of Saturn ; thesecond, orange, for Jupiter ; the third, red, for Mars ; thefourth, yellow, for the Sun ; the fifth, green, for Venus ; thesixth, blue, for Mercury ; and the Temple was probably white forthe Moon . 67. STHE BOOS OF THE WORDS .The record on the cylinders,as read by Rawlinson, states that, \" the building named the Stagesof the Seven Spheres, which was the wonder of Borsippa, had beenbuilt by a former King,\" who had raised it to a height of 4 cubits,but had not completed the superstructure. It had f.i llen intodecay, anti - abu-Kuduri-t zur repaired and completed it Borsippawas the City to which Alexander the Great retire( L when warned bythe Chald can Priests not to enter the CitT from the East. Theseven stories of different colours explain the account of theseven-coloured walls of the city \"of Ecbatana, in Media, describedby Herodotus . The structure was a Temple, dedicated to theHeavenly bodies, in which the Chaldxan Saves studied the movementsof those bodies .-LoFrrs, To*arels he C &ddcra and Susiann,2S-32Herodotus says that the walls of the City called Agbatana (inthe inscriptions, Hac-matan), were of great size and strength,rising in circles one within the other, each out-topping the onebeyond it, and there being_ seven in all, the outer one white, thesecond black . the third scarlet, the fourth blue, the fifthorange, and the sixth and seventh coated respectively with silverand gold.-R . wLL'SON, He rod. i. 241 . Nizami, in his poem of theHeft Peiher describes a Sevenbodied palace, built by Bahr . m Cur,dedicated to the planets, of seven colours, the same as thoseassigned to each br Loftus ; green being the hue applied by theOrientals to silver . Rawlinson gives a picture of Bars -imr:d, atp. 42, vol. i. The God to whom this Temple belonged, was Nebo or 1abu, the Assyrian Mercury . The identification of this Deity withthe Planet Mercury is proved, both by the books of the 68. THE DOORof THE WORDSiQMendeans and by the Calendar of the Sabmans ofHarran, in which the fourth day of the week (Dies Jlercurii) wasnamed Neh k, with the guttural termination that was so often addedafter a long vowel. He was \" the holder of the sceptre of power,\" `the God who teaches or instructs,' `Inspector over the Heavens andthe Earth, Possessor of Intelli`ence, Lord of Lords who has noequal in power, the Sustainer, the Supporter ; the Lord of theConstellations .' He was the DeitT of learning or letters . In theMend .pan books, he is called The Scribe ; and it is to him are tobe referred the traditions of the Babylonian Hermes, reputed authorof the Chald .-can Oracles . A more full description of B :rs -imrcd is given by Pawlinson (H-rv7. ii. 5S0) . The number seven hasalways been a sacred and mystic one. It owed this, probably, atfirst, to the Seven Stars of trsa Major, the Great Bear, two ofwhich always point to the -North-Star ; and which, in that highnorthern region near Samareand, which was the cradle of our GreatArran race . rose hi`h in the Heavens, and, never setting,described its etrrual circle with an-varying re` nlari ty.Afterwards an additional sanctity was ascribed to it, because thePlanets, as they were then termed, -were Seven in number, -the San,the Moon, Mercury, 'Mars, Tenus . Jupiter and Saturn . All thesewere regarded as PersoniSeations or Angels of the Deity. Each hadits Genius or Archangel . These Spirits were ' the Malachim of thePh:cenicians, the Cabiri . We may, without entering the realm ofthe improbable, imagine that we behold the ancient Sage stretchingforth his 69. $QTHE BOOR OF THE WORDS .hands to the Stars, andpraying, in the words of a poet of the first order Look down uponus from Tour spheres of Light, Bright ministers of the In%iAible !Before whose dread Supreuiacv, weak man Dare not appear. For whatare we-earth-worms, That the All-Holy One to us should stoop Fromthe pure Sanctuary where He dwells, Throned in eternal Light Butye His face Behold, and in His presence stand, and His commandsobey . Who in Tour burning chariots path the Heavens In ceaselessround-Saturn and mighty SolThough absent now beyond the ends ofearth, Yet hearing human prayer-Great Jupiter, Venus and Mars andMercury-oh ! hear, Interpreters divine, and for Tour priest Drawthe dread veil that shades the days to come . ATEEBSTO .Theconnection between the Planets and certain metals is mentioned brOrigen (lib . ri. c intia Celsum), as acknowledged by the Persians,in the mysteries of Mithra, to intimate the passage of the Soulthrough the seven spheres of the Planets of which spheres a ladderwith seven rounds was the symbol . There was a scale of seven gatesmade of the seven planetary metals . Julius Firmicus Maternus sass: The five stars (Mercury, Venus, -Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), andalso the Sun and Noon, sustain man by a fiery and eternalagitation, as if be were a 70. THE BOOK OF THE WORDS.SIlesserworld, so that the animal made in imitation of the -world -nightIx. governed by an essence in like wise Divine . The Heretic ideasas to the creation of the Universe, were tlie,-c of I'hilo Jud;eus. If Got] remained always concealed. in the darkness of Hisinrifable antl inaccessible nature, any communication between theCreator and the creature would be impossible ; the humanlietelligeucr, even assisted by the Divine Grace, would neverattain unto the Divine . God has not meant that this should be notlwinn able 59ce067264