Microelectronic Devices Yang Pdf Download
Microelectronic Devices Yang Pdf Download >> https://bltlly.com/2taJ5A
The ability to image freely moving mice over weeks to months, image entire brains in real time, and use fluorescent labeling techniques in deep tissue is revolutionizing the study of how nerve cells communicate. The lab has developed multiple probes to image neurotransmitter receptors, signaling pathways, and genes activated in response to stimulation in a mouse brain. To develop these probes, the laboratory has built a microfluidic device that continuously perfuses exogenous chemicals into a mouse brain.
The NNSA-DM-3 has the capacity to test a larger class of microelectronic devices than previously possible. The instrument is one of the first commercial instruments to use optical microscopy to quantitatively characterize microelectronic devices. Optical microscopy is the only imaging technique that is capable of accurately measuring the characteristics of microelectronics on a large scale.
The NNSA-DM-3 instrument has new hardware and software to characterize a broad range of microelectronic devices, which include microelectronics utilized in nuclear deterrence and national security, and electronics used to detect, protect, and secure communication networks. The NNSA-DM-3 instrument provides the most accurate quantification of leakage current, thermal cycling, and radiation tolerance of microelectronic components to date. It also has the capacity to characterize a larger class of devices that are not on the market today.
The NNSA-DM-3 is owned by the national laboratories, which are required to maintain their integrity in terms of research, development, and testing. Research currently being performed on the instrument includes developing an understanding of the properties of the microelectronic devices being analyzed so that more accurate measurements can be made.
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