"Stings and Things" is a repeatable quest in Fallout 76, part of the Pioneer Scouts series. This quest involves collecting various insect parts to create an insect repellent, which can be a useful item in the game. Here's a detailed guide on how to complete this quest.
Quest Overview
Quest Type: RepeatableCategory: Pioneer ScoutsObjective: Collect insect parts to create an insect repellent for Pioneer Scout Leader Treadly.
Quest Stages
Initiation: The quest becomes available after speaking with Scout Leader Jaggy during "The Order of the Tadpole" quest. It will appear in your Pip-Boy under the miscellaneous section.
Collect Insect Parts: You need to gather the following items:
Bloatfly Gland
Bloodbug Proboscis
Radroach Meat
Stingwing Barb
Tick Blood Sac
These items can be found throughout Appalachia, but some locations will be marked on your map for convenience.
Delivery: Once you have collected all the required parts, return to Pioneer Scout Leader Treadly at Kiddie Corner Cabins. He will craft an insect repellent for you as a reward.
When completing "Stings and Things," managing your inventory carefully is crucial, especially when dealing with Fallout 76 items like insect parts. These items are essential for crafting the insect repellent, which is a valuable resource in the game. Keeping track of these items can help you efficiently complete the quest multiple times, allowing you to stock up on useful supplies and contribute to your overall progression in Fallout 76.
Tips and Locations
Hoard Insect Parts: It's advisable to hoard these parts when you encounter them, as they can be used for future completions of this quest. Note that Radroach Meat will spoil over time, so use it before it rots.
Farming Locations: Some recommended locations for farming these insects include Dolly Sods Wilderness and areas around Kiddie Corner Cabins.
Be Cautious with Scrap and Cooking Functions: Ensure you do not accidentally scrap or cook the required items, as this will render them unusable for the quest.
Upon completing the quest, you will receive the crafting item "Insect Repellent," which can be useful for protecting yourself from hostile insects in the game. Additionally, completing this quest can contribute to earning Possum Badges and other rewards, depending on your progress in the game.
"Stings and Things" is a straightforward and beneficial repeatable quest in Fallout 76. By regularly completing this quest, you can stock up on insect repellent and contribute to your overall progress in the game. Remember to keep an eye on your inventory and avoid using the scrap or cooking functions on the required items to ensure a smooth completion of the quest.